Do I Have to Tell My Partner I Want An Abortion?

Preparing to share with your partner your plan to have an abortion can feel difficult.  Ultimately, choosing whether to have an abortion is your decision, and there is no legal obligation to receive your partner’s consent.  However, sharing your desire for an abortion with your partner can provide you with valuable insight.  Preparing for the

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

If you are considering an abortion, it’s essential to know that the mental health risks associated with abortion should be taken just as seriously as the physical health risks.  While every woman responds differently, abortion can cause a variety of emotions, and it can be challenging to predict the impact an abortion may have on

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I Don’t Want to be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can feel scary and overwhelming, especially if you don’t want to be pregnant. If you’re hesitant to choose abortion because of the health risks, or you’ve had an abortion before and don’t want another one, you may be wondering what other options are available to you. The good news is you

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