If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy, having an at-home abortion may sound like your best option. While you may find the abortion pill available online, mail-order abortion comes with a variety of risks and often bypasses safeguards put in place to protect your health. 

Continue reading to learn more about the dangers of purchasing the abortion pill online and what steps you should take before considering termination. 

FDA Warning 

The safety of online abortion pills is in question primarily due to the lack of regulation on the internet, and the FDA warns women about purchasing the abortion pills online due to the inability to confirm the drug’s quality and efficacy. 

While online abortion may seem convenient, it’s difficult to determine how the drugs could impact your health. 

The Importance of an Ultrasound Scan 

You may wonder why you need an ultrasound if you know you want an abortion. Ultrasounds help determine if abortion is an option for you and confirm how far along you are and the location of your pregnancy (whether your pregnancy is growing within the uterus).

At 10 weeks gestational age, you do not qualify for the abortion pill, and using the abortion pill after this time can lead to serious complications. 

While you may be confident in the age of your pregnancy based on your last period, it is critical to confirm with ultrasound for the sake of your health. 

Ultrasounds ensure that your pregnancy is implanted within the lining of the uterus. 

Ectopic pregnancies occur when the pregnancy implants outside the uterus. If you have an ectopic pregnancy, you do not qualify for an abortion and need immediate medical attention to prevent life-threatening complications. 

Ordering the abortion pill online often means forgoing an ultrasound and missing key pregnancy details. 

Why Meet with a Healthcare Provider? 

Along with an ultrasound, meeting with a healthcare provider and discussing the unique risks associated with abortion is a critical step in making your pregnancy decision. 

Certain health conditions can make you ineligible for an abortion, and having an abortion anyway could put your health in jeopardy. 

Get Help Today

Navigating an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to navigate this journey on your own. Lilli Women’s Center wants to help you make an informed decision about your pregnancy. 

We offer free medical-grade pregnancy testing and ultrasounds, and our medical team can discuss your unique abortion risks, answer your questions, and talk with you about your options. 

Contact us today for your confidential appointment. 
