Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

You may feel your life has significantly changed with the news of an unplanned pregnancy. You might be uncertain about your options and searching for practical support. This is understandable; many women report feeling vulnerable and anxious at this time.  Luckily, help is possible. You don’t need to struggle to find answers. Lilli Women’s Center

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What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

An incomplete abortion happens when parts of a pregnancy remain in the uterus after an abortion. While this can happen after a surgical abortion, it’s more likely to occur after a medical abortion (also known as the “abortion pill”).  Read on to learn more about the signs of an incomplete abortion and the importance of

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What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

The mental health effects of abortion are controversial because every woman will have a different post-abortion experience. An unexpected pregnancy can be a very emotional time, and making a significant decision like an abortion can make it feel even harder. If you are currently struggling with your mental health after abortion, we can help. Read

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